If you try to issue a drush command on corn and receive the following error:
php: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
it is looking for php in the wrong location.
Open your .cshrc and find:
Fix that and then logout and log back in.
Thanks to Marco for the instructions.
if ( ! $?site_path ) then set site_path=( \ /usr/local/bin /usr/sweet/bin /usr/bin \ /usr/pubsw/bin /bin /usr/sbin /sbin /usr/proc/bin \ ....etc.
Alternative Method
Running the following command will update your .cshrc file for you:
Note that the updaterc command will rename your existing .cshrc file to .cshrc.old.
(Thanks Sharon!)
Note how /usr/bin needs to be before/usr/pubsw/bin.