Drupal Migration

April 1, 2010 - 5:00pm
Law School, room 283 (second floor)
  • from D5 to D6
  • export/import tools
  • other issues

Upgrade from D5 to D6


  • High level functionality summary (calendar, publicaitons, etc.)
  • List of contributed modules
  • List of features implemeted in the theme vs features implemented in templates
  • Any custom modifications in template.php
  • Prepare TEST PLAN


  1. Backup (files and database) / create dev site  http://drupaltraining.stanford.edu/workshop3/handout
  2. Take site offline (optional if using dev site)
  3. Change theme to default 
  4. Update to the latest core version (5.x) + contrib modules  (update.php)  https://techcommons.stanford.edu/topics/drupal/drupal-core-upgrade-script
  5. Disable all cotnrib modules (do inventory, make sure that all modules that you need are available for 6.x)  https://techcommons.stanford.edu/topics/drupal/disable-and-re-enable-all-contributed-modules-once
  6. Update core code 5->6 (make sure to update .htaccess and settings.php that come with new core code to have your settings ) 
  7. Update db (update.php)
  8. Install contrib modules
  9. Update db (update.php)


  1. Functionality / modules
  2. Theme update


  • Some features are easier to build fresh in D6 (views, panels, etc) and then reconfigure content that has been migrated from D5.
  • For theming - look for functions/hooks availble for 6.x (comparing to 5)
