How to control access to your Drupal website using permissions

January 11, 2017 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm
Crown Building at the Law School, Room 301

Room 301 is immediately on your left on top of the stairs leading to the 3rd floor of the Crown Building at the Law School.

 We will review basic drupal node permissions and various modules that allow administrator to extend these permissions (demo based on Stanford standard Drupal platform  We can also talk about benefits of integration of Stanford workgroups with Drupal roles and permissions. 

We can also talk about any other permission issues and solutions for those issues.

This session is for content managers and site builders who only have access to drupal web interface as well as for developers.

Major topics include

  • node permissions
  • file permissions
  • field permissions
  • views permissions
  • block permissions

Video Conference Details

Meeting URL:


