Below are some of our favorite drupal modules. Please add yours!
- I like Poor Man's Cron. this module runs cron operations without having to know how to create a crontab. Cron is necessary for all sorts of things that need to be done at regular intervals in order to make your drupal site function correctly - like indexing etc. -James Jacobs Note: The Scheduling Service is now live at (look under Web Services, Scheduling Service) and it's a much easier way to accomplish the goals outlined above. -Marco Wise
- Biblio. Add citations, item records, books, articles, journals, web pages, etc. You can even import from RefWorks or EndNote. -John Bickar
- Administration menu. I can't live without this one!! -james jacobs
- Content Construction Kit (CCK) - Gives you the ability to model your own data types. There are oodles of modules that build off of CCK.
- Views - Gives you the ability to display those data types any way you want.
- Panels - Allows you to position your data anywhere you want on the page.
- ImageCache - Allows you to make as many copies of an image you want at any size depending on location or anything else you specify.
- Organic groups - Create as many groups as you want (e.g. users, staff, etc.), restrict content by group.
- Captcha - Keeps the spam couties away.
- Community Tags - Allows users to create and assign their own tags to content.
- Tagadelic - Creates a Tag Cloud.
- BUEditor - Simple HTML tag editor.