One of our major goals as a Drupal community is to facilitate the re-use of exportables, like Features (using the Drupal Features module).
There is more extensive documentation of our best practices in publicly shared google doc:
Because Stanford has so many Drupal teams, if we are all making Features, it's important for us to catalog, and reserve, prefixes. This is mostly common sense, and we probably wouldn't have too many namespace collisions, but we also have literally hundreds of labs, centers, research groups, etc. so I propose we use this Techcommons page as a lightweight way for groups to register their prefixes (infixes for fields).
- stanford_ (Stanford Web Services)
s_ (SWS fields) - gsb_ (Graduate School of Business)
- soe_ (School of Engineering)
- earth_ (School of Earth Sciences)
- dor_ (Dean of Research)
- oos_ (Office of Sustainability)
To claim a Features prefix for your organization, just add it to this page, and send an email to the drupallers list to let us know what you're up to. We should consider keeping a lid on the number of these that exist, so before claiming a prefix for your lab or individual project, please check with your school to see if it makes more sense to use theirs. The fewer we use, the fewer conflicts we will have with other universities. (Yeah, we're doing that, by the way :)