Hi! I'm hoping you can help.
I'm trying to set up a mediawiki that is open to all but only editable by Stanford Auth folks. Your instructions really helped (thank you), and I think I'm almost there. However, a problem has come up.
I get the "Login with WebAuth" in the upper right hand corner but when I click on it I get this notice ...
Fatal error: Class 'FCKeditor' not found in /afs/ir.stanford.edu/dist/web/includes/mediawiki-1.16.5/extensions/FCKeditor/FCKeditor.php on line 92
You can try it at www.bit.ly/DELsheppard
It is not clear what I need to do ... what is on line 92 and what should it say to allow WebAuth? As of now, I can't sign into the wiki to change it.
Thanks so much for any help.