Demo of Media Site by Sonic Foundry
David Brounstein
South West Regional Sales Director
Sonic Foundry, Inc.
Westminster, CO 80031
John Costa
Technical Solutions Manager - Western US
Sonic Foudnry Inc.
Sacramento, CA
Captioning now available through Stanford video and Automatic Sync - see last meeting
Classroom capture - live streaming, on-demand viewing
Sonic Foundry is company - Media Site is the product
Create URL - Windows-based product
Video skins for different look 'n feel - all video, etc.
Can group slides into chapters - must be contiguous slides in a chapter -
say in a PowerPoint preso.
Optical & phonetic searches. (coming soon) (now search title - ocr will
search words or handwriting in a preso - which slide and at what minute it
showed up. Does root searching, too. Phonetic search covers spoken words.
Software does transcribing to searchable text base. Been running for the
past decade. Releasing in key verticals, like medical - targeting 90%
Forrest: Combined searching. Handwriting could be limited, without a person
in the loop.
Simultaneously: audio, video, VGA.
Carnegie Mellon is searching on recognizable
video features, like head shots, mountains,
1600x1200 in content, in video full NTSC
Designing own board to convert source for you (projected for 2008). Within 2
minutes can watch entire presentation. Metadata searchable.
Two buttons - record and stop - can program them in or use remotely over the
web, and in future, just schedule. Make as easy to use for the faculty as
Burner available - CDs handle 3 hours of content
Podcasting and auto scheduling in next release in a few weeks. Podcasting
could be automatic.
Building block for BlackBoard, & other External Access module for Sakai,
WebCT, etc.
Shelley: Synchronize what a remote student might be doing?
Use built-in features of BlackBoard or Sakai.
ASU one of largest BlackBoard customers - thinking of going to Sakai.
Question regarding Social bookmarking - subscribe to people's bookmarks
On a site, can see list of slides by thumbnail or text list. Slides are jpeg
images. Can replace or insert slides, too. Or, put in new chapters. Moving
or changing slides does not change the audio. Video file can be pulled out
and put into their Vegas Video editor or another editor.
Stream just audio and PowerPoint without the video?
Can swap pieces, too - audio, video, slides - can re-associate different
pieces - it is possible to do this.
Mobile and rack mounted versions - tied into backend server.
Other features - adjust speech speed without impacting pitch.