Digital Assets Management - Sept 11th, 2007
Bruce Boyd - co-chair of the group
- Welcome!
- manages IT at the
- no longer accepts an hour of video or 1,000 untagged photos
- share pain & joy
- student prefs - like Flickr, already there with groups
- Picasa - can't upload video from Macs any more
- most assets on own server
- standardize on Flcikr this quarter, even though no video there
Roger - Medical School
- manages content for streaming video for 7 years
- IRT - support in Med School - 500-600 GB stored and accessed
- some areas allow individual management
- full catalog and meta data
- use WebDAV for viewing on server
- not much on still photos
- ideas on secure storage
Forest Glick
- iPhoto & new dot Mac gallery - Flash based - 1-click publishing
- Engineering School
- 1200 video clips - Flash & Win Media and mpeg4 for downloads
- since 2000
- exploring additional online tools - Permission TV
- EdCorner -
Chris Wesselman
- Flickr, Smugmug, dot Mac,
- iPhoto, Adobe Lightroom, Apple's Aperture
Anu Kulkarni
- not much video yet
- Shutterfly
Vijoy Abraham
- ATS Programs
- Center for Poverty & Equality
- Stanford iTunes not
Bernie -
- Stanford on iTunes
- 2 TB storage
- building own content management system - by October 10,000
Mark Schwartz - Woods Institute
- Squish - Sorensen campus-wide
Kara - librarian at Green
John Foliot - Stanford Online Accessibility program
- moral & legal boligation on access
- video on the web
- DocSoft tool - content mgmt and search utility
- uses Dragon Naturally Speaking for recognition and transcript creation
- functional testing
- looks for needs and how well being provided
- various kinds of media (Flash?)
- increases value of video 100%
- Canadian - 7 years in Streaming Video
Kimberly - ATS
- iTunes U
- Stream Media project
- Digital Asset Mgmt prject
- mainly iApps
- Podcast Producer with Leopard server
Claudia Engel, ATS for Anthropology
- front end - users' files
- Faculty managed assets
- iPhoto
Katie Miller - Teacher Ed
- more digital management coming soon
- 80 students - 50 cams - 3x during the year -
- turning in video on CD
- personally iMovie
- keep DV tapes
Uri -
- mostly video
- needs of students & faculty
- low rez streaming or high rez downloads
- mash-ups - Diver at Wallenberg
Kingsley - Med School
Picasa & Bridge & CS3
video - shoot SD Final Cut Pro to Flash
iTunes format --
- lost 140 GB hard drive in PC
- DriveSaver recovered
- DV files outputted in secure place
Jack Hubbard - Stanford News Service -
- new Intel Mac -
- 2-3 videos per week on Stanford News Service
- HDV for 2 years
- everyone going to HD
- archive - 800 tapes - 1 tape per subject
- never had a camera break down
- new CBS library system
- try not to have loose tapes around
- Sony P2 card 8 GB for $1,000
- tape is cheap, economical, durable, secure
- Final Cut Pro Studio (bad color or exposure in post-production)
- shot list everything -
- do prep well and editing goes much better
- shooting digitally since 1998
- FileMaker database for content mgmt.
- 1 hour is 13 GB, half hour is 7 GB
- no substitute for keeping field tapes
- Cumulus storage for video
- starting to work with Story Bank
- LA Final Cut users group
Tripper map for GPS coordinates
Video Workflow:
Episode Pro - Forrest
every lecture - DV file and produce mpeg4 with timecode burned in. Tanscript produced.
reference video -
output clips -
archived on DVDs - now on removable firewire drives
secure copy for uploading.
Guest lectures- Canadian company transcribing from Podcasts within a week. Eventually lanbguage translation - partner orgs for German, Spanish, etc.