Large meeting today -- about 45 attendees
Topic for discussion - Online video distribution --
Wide gamut of new to experienced users streaming video on campus.
Trade-offs and experiences...
Start: working with video - what kinds of consideration when choosing a platform for distribution?
- backend support (IT dept or group)
- cost
- adoption/format
- length of content - short vs long and bandwidth, speed
- analytics - logs
- searchability
- audience - restricted access / access control / rights / DRM / content
- image quality
- monetization
- ease of putting stuff up/uploading
- character sets
- syndicated vs one-time release of content
- storage costs
- privacy
- value-added functionalities/features/branding
- interactivity
- ability to edit
- copyright issues
Stanford Video is offering a new streaming video service:
*** Gordon Gurley - Stanford video - - 725-0697
Live Webcasting services ***
$.05/mb per month
$50 server admin instance fee
1 TB data transfer limit per month
working on a searchability tool yet. Cool tool on CNN during debates. Looking at developers.
John Foliot: Adobe working on flash searchability using AIR.
Robert Smith: worked with folks in East Bay (AutomaticSync) with voice recognition tool that worked really well.
Conversion services, too? Yes. Real to Flash conversion (3 tools out there).
Stats on site? Working on that. Still figuring it out. Your own metrics vs theirs.
Server is located at Stanford Video.
ITS streaming server is shutting down at the end of August.
Commitment in future? Support from Provost to make sure the service is available.
Why Adobe Flash Interactive Server - why?
iTunes U. - Brent Izutsu
(note sheet passed out)
H.264 video format
Contribute site -
Also managing YouTube - can offer video on both platforms (YouTube no audio only)
Free and hosted by Apple or YouTube
For general public to largest number of people possiblee
Academic site - restricted to people enrolled in a course
Also SUNet level access
Branding on top of dept's - negotiable
weekly average of 15-20 videos posted
last year 500 tracks added
this summer 400 tracks added
most popular - Steve Jobs commencement address, also quantum physics
deep-linking into iTunes interface is possible - right click on album or track for iTune Store URL
Smart feeds and course links - link to external feed and pick up content (generate own atom feed, have it picked up); for instance, Smart Energy has their own podcast feed using mp4 files
Content being delivered through iTunes but being served through their server, i.e. feed is picked up. But yes, all the content being delivered through the iTunes UI.
YouTube launched June 17th. - branded channel (one per school). AOL and LiveSpace - simultaneous syndication.
H.264 mp4 320x240 650 kbps bitrate or 640x480 3000 kbps bitrate
Most of video content will go to YouTube, but iTunes has much more audio content
Content is rarely declined.
iTunes currently 35K downloads per week
YouTube 6,000 views per day - most on Steve Jobs and Opra. Generating a lot of traffic. Can subscribe to channels, email update with links for new videos - on avg 200-300 views on those.
High profile speaker - both Apple & YouTube can both feature on main pages.
Keywording? Submit metadata sheet - share ownership for subsequent markup? Not sure. Need to look into this.
Non-English? Just English right now. Non-English metadata? Need to check with YouTube on that.
Branding in lower right-hand corner.
JW FLV player can also call H.264 video (requires Flash 9 (70% of users have it)).
True streaming vs http download - up to 600 kbps for most broadband, - upload to a dozen different sites.
Stats on platforms - compare views - needs accounts on each platform
not limited to 100 MB, some of the other sites may limit to that.
Podcast producer - opencast - Jenn Stringer Med School - NOT offering a service!
head of ed tech at med school
3,000 video hrs per year
almost all is private course related content
big need for public content
health & medicine channel on iTunes Stanford
offline content and portable content wave of future - not just iPods.
Get off Real and move to H.264
Classroom - Mac Mini
Xgrid with 6 servers
Telestream - Episode Engine - very fast, very expensive
Currently using standard def video - can take either one (HD).
mps 3 flash audio only, windows media, publish to all distribution channels - lots of flexibility
hired Apple to help get this up and running this summer.
Share storage - media asset management system - long term storage, use, re-use, etc.
Final Cut Server may be added.
new building - Learning & Knowledge space
most everyone now just one screen and Powerpoint
available for download? Only to students of the course.
Quartz composer - audio or video bumpers
may not redistribute in anyway - violations serious
all videos are available to all the students for their 5 year curriculum - Coursework and iTunes U
OpenCast - open source initiative started by Berkeley - workflows and architectures to schedule and handle capture workflows.
Kim from Academic Computing - will be using Wowza server - right now 500 GB on back end - bunch of servers on order.
Still in testing stage
Now limited to AC and SUL-AIR content
Buckmeister Fuller content
ShareStream - pilot with them too - repository backend Swiss Army knife
lots of testing right now.
After testing pilot - scope? Right now Academic Computing, within CourseWork UI
Developing own apps for delivery
JW FLV player - free - continued dev - supports subtitles, analytics. Publish source code. Could add Fast forward, for instance. But with further dev, better to wait on their dev.