Overview: Presentation by Jay Jackson, Sr. Business Solutions Manager 650-316-3435 jayjackson@ooyala.com & Justin McCullum, Business Solutions Manager 650-646-9594 jmccullum@ooyala.com
Ooyala is an end-to-end video platform offering video hosting and management.
Deep meta-data tagging - 100 per video asset
Workflow - Ingestion, transcoding, storage, video asset management, metadata engine, UX engine, Live Streaming, Syndication, Promotion, External Publication, Social Extension, Analytics
Drupal, Wordpress, CMS extensions
Backlot - platform for managing content
Support for captions and subtitles
Indexing content - search and discovery
Live streaming is supported via Akamai - with pause and auto archiving
Adaptive bitrate delivery
Content restrictions - DRM technology, token-based authentication, encryption - leveraging Adobe Flash access, as example
Analytics - levels of access - granularity to specific piece of content
Taxonomy around labels - reports generated - open player framework
Queue points within Flash player - click based feedback
Social Experience - sharing content - controlling branding, insights on playback
The Creators Project (API automation) - http://thecreatorsproject.com/
On Innovation (Metadata for search) - http://www.oninnovation.com/videos.aspx
VeoMed (chaptering/TOC) - http://www.veomed.com/va042860752011
BYU (TV Everywhere)- http://byutv.org/shows
Techcrunch - http://techcrunch.tv/
Oxford Learning (PPV teaching) - http://www.oxlearn.com/courses.php
DePaul - http://www.depaul.edu/Pages/default.aspx
Explore - http://www.explore.org/, http://www.explore.org/#!/videos/player/aquarium-of-the-pacific