Please note that this is not for the absolute novice.
It is for those of us who do this once in a while, but not often enough to remember those annoying details.
After you have requested your mysql database and - if necessary - groupspace and cgi-service:
wget -q -O - | tar zxv
Edit the .htaccess file in the top install directory and comment out any line that starts with "Options" or "php_value".
cp ./sites/default/default.settings.php ./sites/default/settings.php
Run the install script
(Reminder to go to "advanced" settings for the database and replace 'localhost' with
Clean URLs
in .htaccess:
change and uncomment
# RewriteBase /drupal
RewriteBase [your_directory]/cgi-bin/web
(note from Matt re personal accounts)
is here: (for Stanford only)
For private file management
mkdir [somewhere_safe]/drupal_files
fs sa drupal_files/ [whowever_owns_the_cgi].cgi rlidwk
Then enable private file management for that directory under administer > site configuration > files system