The Viral Learning concept borrows from copyleft and share-alike projects (e.g. Creative Commons share-alike licensing) and applies it to community-based grassroots learning. It starts with a volunteer trainer (could be anyone) who provides a session, free of charge, to an individual or group on campus. Each recipient, assuming they haven't run screaming from the room, are then responsible to provide a similar free session for someone else under the same terms, that is, the responsibility for passing along a free training session is incumbent upon each subsequent recipient. That's the viral part.
We are extremely forgiving: the recipient of said training is not required to provide training to others unless they further develop their skills, and not until they feel ready to do so. No worries, this is California.
Here is a first pass at what will become the curriculum for viral drupal training.
Track I
Audience: Webmasters and Site Administrators
Information Archictecture
- Taxonomy
- Content Types (CCK)
- Views
- Basics of creating content
- How content shows up, and where it shows up on the page
- Vocabulary/Taxonomy
- Menus
- Blocks
- Content Types
- Views (a conceptual overview): "These pages build themselves - yay!" --Zach Chandler, 04.22.2008
Track II
Audience: Content Creators
- Basics of creating content
- How content shows up, and where it shows up on the page
- Vocabulary/Taxonomy
- Menus
- Blocks
- Content Types
- Views (a conceptual overview): "These pages build themselves - yay!" --Zach Chandler, 04.22.2008 -- JB, you had to burn me twice on the same page? jeez!